I quit!
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2025**01**15**Ages For Ministerial Servants and Elders!
by Atlantis in2025-01-15-ages for ministerial servants and elders.. see page 2. .
https://pdfupload.io/docs/1b0b5c00 .
News of fires out of control in California
by ballistic inhope everyone near to the region affected in california is ok. it's shocking to hear of the destruction.
these affected areas are some of the places i visited when i came on a tour of the us.
malibu, santa barbera, la, santa monica, hollywood and so on..
YouTube advice on “Types of People to Avoid”
by LongHairGal ini was doing some heavy duty binge watching on youtube.. there are lots of helpful topics including ‘how to declutter your home’, ‘things you shouldn’t tell people’ and several videos on ‘types of people you shouldn’t have in your life as well as types of behavior you shouldn’t tolerate’ (especially after a certain age).. what i got out of it (most i already knew but was nice to see it mentioned):.. first, you should live life authentically, especially at an older age.
you should be free of other people’s opinions, judgments and expectations of you.
you should be free of this as you have accumulated enough wisdom in life to know what serves you and that other people’s opinions do not define you; you should not be guilt tripped into doing favors or being exploited (financially or time wise) by anybody manipulative or irresponsible, etc… walking away is not ‘selfishness’ but ‘self care’.. it was mentioned in all of them to remove people from your life who are critical and fall into these negative categories whether they be family or other.. (the name of jehovah’s witnesses was nowhere mentioned - but i was struck by the fact that all these negative things appear in spades in the jw religion (and probably in some other religions as well).. watching all of this just reinforced what i knew for many years: ..the best thing i did was to ‘fade’ from the religion and get out of that environment!.
Canada exploring changes to tax rules that exempt religious organizations
by Scully inhttps://www.christianpost.com/news/evangelicals-oppose-removal-of-tax-status-in-canadian-proposal.html.
the proposed change will revoke charitable status of canadian churches who have an anti-abortion position, and will not give tax exemptions to organizations whose sole claim is to promote religion, which is the basic claim for all jw related entities in canada.
this will be interesting!.
My story of becoming a circuit overseer after Kin Suen visited our congregation.
by ExCircuitOverseer inhere is my story of becoming a missionary after having kin suen (pronounced “shin”) as my circuit overseer.
my father wanted me to go to college, but since he wasn’t a witness, i knew he just didn’t understand how close we were to the end.
i had actually become a circuit overseer!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/tppmprdxxzw?si=shh5vkmuzfp6c9_m.
so the watchtower has come out with sn article, study article 2 in their newly released study watchtower magazine for 2025 and we see from the start how they keep perpetuating the same old outdated narrative that when it comes to marriages the husband is the one at fault, we'll thats i think when i read paragraph from this article where i man has to work on a whole list of things and not once the wife is instructed to do any of these things, but let's just read together paragraph 14:.
what are these steps?
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
Attended JW funeral today
by usualusername1 innever miss a marketing opportunity—even at a funeral.
funerals aren’t the first place you’d expect marketing.
but jehovah’s witnesses know how to turn every moment into an opportunity to share their message.. during funerals, they weave in their teachings of hope and resurrection, offering comfort and, at the same time, presenting their beliefs to attendees who may not be part of the faith.
Be Obedient and Submissive to the Faithful Slave. Hmmm...Sounds kinky!!!
by WingCommander inseriously, how have i never caught on as to how kinky this weird cult language sounds?
"be obedient and submissive to the faithful slave.
"may i have another flogging, mr.
Do you recognize this?
by Gorb inthinking sometimes about my youth days and the stories my grandfather told me about our jw congregation.
do you recognize that your congregation was full of somehowe strange folks, very low educated, poor and simple?.
the po was an elder with some distance, with some personality acting intelligent and following the rules strict.. there was always a kind of scandal.